Tuesday, September 21, 2010


What’s wrong for dreaming for a better life? When you have already a good one; I wonder why I keep on holding on to something that I’ve been longing to let go, emotions are really deceitful, I marvel why my brain allows such stupid emotion to generate my being when it can only cause pain and does myself know that hurting people hurt people? Certainly.
What will be a life after college? Am I ready for the possible change that will unfold? I’m afraid of the things that might come because it’s been my comfort zone being cared for by means of finances.
I dream to become a famous person, well known and etc. I want to learn and earn and be independent in all means but what scares me the most is the thought of being alone, all my life I dream to be love but the more I try to be, the more I fail. My parents are separated; as a kid I’m always least regarded , always left to be the last option , I don’t know how to care and say things right for never did I find someone who we’re able to show me that. I guess I still has a lot of turmoil in my heart for I’m never been that free, its scary and I hope someone will come along to put a smile on me.. one day

Ivana 

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